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    Helpful Links

    YouTube: The Power In Your Voice With Dr. Cindy Milligan

    Vocal Learning Portal – MVAI Academy

    The Vox Fox (Dr. Milligan’s Voice Over Website)

    Keep Your Voice Healthy

    Your Voice in Protest Guide

    The Vocal Power 12 Reference Guide

    The Vocal Power 12 Online Interactive Reference Guide

    How Your Voice Works Infographic

    Instagram: @milliganvocalarts

    Instagram: @powerinyourvoice

    Facebook: Milligan Vocal Arts Institute

    Facebook: The Power In Your Voice

    Facebook: 5-Day Power In Your Voice Challenge

    Facebook Group: The Voice and Speech Collab Lab

    Facebook: Cindy Milligan (Personal)

    LinkedIn:  Dr. Cindy Milligan

    LinkedIn:  Milligan Vocal Arts Institute