What is a Sonic Signature?

Your Sonic Signature is the way you sound. Everyone’s voice is unique.

It includes these features of your voice…






Pace or Cadence

Speech rate

Accents or dialects


  • Can be likened to your voice print, although not as technical.
  • Sonic Signatures teaches actors how to use their voices more creatively in performance.
  • Sonic Signatures helps you understand your vocal capabilities so that you can better control it in creative ways.
  • Sonic Signatures helps you create authentic believable characters.
  • The right Sonic Signature can clearly define a believable authentic character or cause a complete disconnection with the audience.

Why Sonic Signatures?

Sonic Signatures for Actors helps you understand your voice.

Understanding your voice, how it works, and the hidden potential you possess is essential to using it in creative new ways. As an actor, you’re asked to perform in a variety of conditions including extreme temperature changes, for long periods of time, and in less than healthy situations. Knowing your voice will help you to deliver and maintain great characters throughout any performance.

Sonic Signatures for Actors helps you expand your vocal range.

Learn great vocal production that will help you expand your vocal range. We’ll take your voice to the Vocal Gym and teach you how to produce vocals that are strong, resonant, and versatile. These skills will allow you to express emotion, show personality and communicate vital messages not written in the script. Infuse your performance with finely tuned nuances based in a flexible and expansive voice that will allow you to portray any character in any environment or situation. 

Sonic Signatures for Actors helps you create authentic believable characters.

Learn how to use your voice to craft interesting, believable, and authentic characters. We’ll teach you the specific vocal techniques that will help you to develop traits and characteristics in characters that will make your work as an actor stand out from all others. Our courses and workshops give you the tools to portray realistic characters in fascinating and meaningful ways. 

Your New Sonic Signature

After understanding how your voice works and learning some techniques and tools to make it more versatile, you’ll be able to create new Sonic Signatures and characters. Infuse your voice with personality and the vocal elements known to produce specific reactions in audiences.